MCAT® Exam Overview

What To Expect On The MCAT® Exam

MCAT Exam Structure

The MCAT® exam lasts over 6 hours and 15 minutes and contains 230 questions split amongst 4 sections. Each of the 3 science section contains ten passages with 4 to 7 questions each and 15 stand-alone questions. The CARS section has nine passages with a total of 53 questions.

4 MCAT Sections

The four MCAT sections, in order of appearance, are:

Click on the above links to learn more about each MCAT section.

MCAT Topics Tested

The MCAT® tests an individual’s knowledge of basic scientific concepts and analytical skills. Subjects include physics, biology, biochemistry, general chemistry, organic chemistry, sociology, and psychology.

The new MCAT® now emphasizes integrating topics, with general chemistry, physics, and biochemistry (for instance) all appearing within the same passage!

Private MCAT Tutoring with Dr. Donnelly

Getting into your top-choice medical school is highly competitive, so you’ll want to prepare thoroughly for the MCAT®. This exam is unlike any other standardized test. Even the most gifted students will often score poorly on this test unless they know the correct approach to taking the MCAT®.

Luckily, Dr. Stuart Donnelly can teach you the key concepts and correct strategies for each section of the MCAT®. Stuart’s unique strategies are highly effective at dealing with even the most difficult passage-based problems on the test and will help significantly improve your score.

Private MCAT® tutoring with Dr. Donnelly is available in person at his office or online via Zoom. Contact Stuart today to schedule your FREE Consultation to determine the number of hours of tutoring you will probably need to reach your target score.

You will also have a chance to see Stuart's tutoring skills in action, giving you a better understanding of his unique tutoring style and teaching methodology.

Contact Dr. Donnelly Today